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2025 Membership Renewal

Renew Membership

Renewal Instructions

Click on the Renew Membership button above to go to the renewal site.

You will then sign into your Golf Genius account using your email address and Golf Genius password.

Please update any account information that has changed.

Please DO NOT CHECK the box to "Unsubscribe from email communication from CWGA". We communicate all information through email thus you must be subscribed. We do NOT share our membership list to outside groups.

Don't forget to update your preference for a booklet.

There is a box to change or update your password. You are not required to change you password when renewing your membership. You can just leave those boxes blank.

If you make any changes, select the "Update" button at the bottom of the page.

Select the “Payment” tab at the top and follow the prompts to pay. MasterCard and VISA only.

    Important Notes

    CWGA went green in 2020 so the Membership Handbook will be mailed only to members who renew their membership by March 1 AND opt-in to receive it.  A PDF of the Membership Handbook will be available under the Members Only tab above, once published.

    If you need help with your renewal, contact Joanne Bentley at

    Contact us - Connecticut Women's Golf Association

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