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CWGA Tournament Policies & Procedures

Cancellation Policy

  1. Substitutions, changes of entries or withdrawals can be made by a player prior to the "registration closing date" online.  Players withdrawing after the closing date must contact the One-day Coordinator or the Tournament Chair, as applicable.

  2. Withdrawals made prior to the "registration closing date" are subject to a $5 cancellation fee or other non-refundable fee, if so stated.  Withdrawals after the closing date will result in forfeiture of ALL entry fees.

    Code of Conduct

    1. Each member is expected to conduct herself in a manner that fosters good sportsmanship, good fellowship, and respect for individual dignity.  Each member is likewise responsible for the integrity of the venues at which we conduct our competitions and our business, and pledges by becoming a member to actively promote the best interests and traditions of the game of golf and the welfare of the Association.

    2. Any conduct on the part of a member which is considered detrimental to the best interests of the game, the welfare of the CWGA, or is in contradiction to the objectives, by-laws, rules, or other policies of the CWGA or the host club may subject the member to disciplinary action.

    3. Said conduct shall include:
      • Wearing proper golf attire at all events.  No denim of any color, leggings, tank tops, warm-up suits, short shorts, or sweat pants are permitted.  If the regulations of the host club are more restrictive, the player shall conform to the additional regulations.  Non-compliance will result in mandatory withdrawal from the event.

      • Staying for lunch.

      • Tipping the locker room and bag attendants where allowed.  (Please check Tournament Details for any exceptions to this policy.)

      • Maintaining the integrity of the venue by wearing spikeless shoes, replacing divots, raking bunkers, repairing ball marks, and obeying cart rules.

      • The use of a multi-functional device (e.g. cell phone) for distance measuring purposes is permitted.  However, players and/or their caddies are advised that the use of such devices (other than for emergency purposes) in their traditional manner (talking, texting, etc.) is discourteous and may be distracting to others. The use of such devices, in their traditional manner, is strongly discouraged and may be considered a serious breach of etiquette and therefore  may result in disciplinary action by the Tournament Committee. (Rule 1.3c - Disqualification Penalty; Committee Discretion).

    Handicap Regulations

    1. Handicap limits shall be as follows:
      • Maximum playable handicap index of 28.4 for all tournaments except where noted otherwise
      • Maximum course handicap of 25 for all Interclub Cup Matches
      • For the Legends' Championship, members must play to a maximum handicap index of 30.4
    2. A player may only enter a tournament for which her USGA Handicap Index - ON THE DAY ENTRIES CLOSE - makes her eligible.

    Hold Harmless Agreement

    Tournament participants agree to hold the CWGA, its agents and servants, harmless and free from all claims, demands, and liabilities arising out of any loss, damage, or injury suffered by said member in connection with any tournament entered.

    Pace of Play

    A player must play without undue delay and in accordance with any Pace of Play guidelines that CWGA may establish.  Between completion of a hole and the playing from the next teeing ground, the player must not unduly delay play.

    Players are responsible for knowing their position on the golf course relative to their allotted time as well as the groups around them.  Players should monitor and speak to individuals causing slow play.  Players may ask for the group to be monitored without identifying an individual causing slow play.

    Posting of Tournament Scores

    All scores at CWGA one-day and championship events will be posted for the players by the tournament committee.  This will include best-ball events.  

    Tournament Rules

    1. All play shall be governed by USGA Rules, any Local Rules posted, and any established Conditions of Competition.

    2. All CWGA members in good standing are eligible to compete in all tournaments.  Maximum handicap index allowed for tournament play shall be 28.4.  In the CWGA Inter Club Matches, a maximum course handicap of 25 shall be used.

    3. There must be at least 20 players to constitute an official CWGA event.

    4. Distance-Measuring Devices:  A player may obtain distance information by use of a distance-measuring device.  If, during a stipulated round, a player uses a distance-measuring device to gauge or measure other conditions that might affect his play (e.g., gradient, wind speed, temperature, etc.), the player is in breach of Rule 4.3, for which the penalty is the general penalty for the first offense and disqualification for a subsequent offense.   Information from the device is not deemed to be advice and therefore can and should be shared with other players.

    5. The use of a multi-functional device (e.g. cell phone) for distance measuring purposes is permitted. 

    6. A player or team who has been assigned a starting time must be present at that time and fully intend to complete the round.  A player or team should report to the Tournament Official at least 15 minutes prior to her starting time or time of shotgun start.  A player must start at the tee time (RULE 5.3) or hole assigned by the committee.  Penalty for breach of RULE 5.3 is DISQUALIFICATION.  However, it is a condition of ALL events that if a player arrives at her starting point ready to play within 5 minutes of her starting time the failure to start on time is the general penalty instead of disqualification.

    7. All penalties, including penalties for pace of play, will be assessed in accordance with the USGA Rules of Golf.

    8. During a round, between the play of two holes, a player may practice as provided in USGA Rule 5.5b provided the player does not unduly delay play and unless prohibited by the Conditions of Competition.

    9. Tournament results are unofficial until the tournament is closed by the Tournament Committee and prizes are awarded.

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